Saturday, April 28, 2018

What have I learned lately?

What have I learned lately?

For starters, I’ve learned that I can “write” plenty of blogs in my head, but getting them to a keyboard is another story entirely.  It’s been a year and a half since my last Counselor Contemplations blog entry...far too long by almost every measure.

But I’m not going to be too hard on myself.

Why, you might ask.  Well, in my work with students, parents, and teachers I find that a lot of people are pretty hard on themselves.  To the degree that I often find myself suggesting to others that they not be too hard on themselves.

Life comes with plenty of challenges.  We all face them.  Granted, they are different for each one of us.  Medical challenges.  Relationship challenges.  Academic challenges.  Mental health challenges.  Financial challenges.  And of course, the day to day challenges of simply trying to “keep up” with everyone and everything.

This blog, even with its infrequent posts, has reminded me how much I like to write.  So rather than be too hard on myself, I’ll simply heed my own advice and look for the opportunity that presents itself.  In this case, the opportunity to carve out 10, 20, or 30 minutes more often and put my thoughts down in print and share them with others.

So what else inspired the title of this blog entry?  The fact that there are opportunities to learn every day from those around us if we take time to pause and reflect on those experiences.

Some of the things that have given me pause over the past year…

*My experience has shown that teens are far more appreciative than most adults give them credit for.
*Winter in North Dakota always comes to an end, even when it feels like it will never come to an end.
*Teamwork and positive working relationships feel really good when they are genuine.
*Games are far more than just games...they are an opportunity to connect and engage with those around us.
*No matter where you are on the introvert / extrovert scale, human connection is good, but so is time spent in silent reflection.
*Nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it!

What have you learned lately?

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